29.05.2024 — Blog

The PAPILLON Company attended the conference organized by the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Interior in Russia

The company’s project manager, Alexey Podchinenov, gave a report titled “Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the New Version of PAPILLON AFIS.”

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27.04.2024 — Blog

The new version of PAPILLON-9 AFIS was presented at the International Forum “DIGITAL POLICE-2024”

The PAPILLON Company presented the new version of AFIS-9, designed using artificial intelligence technology, fingerprint scanners and PAPILLON DPP mobile terminals

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28.03.2024 — Blog

PAPILLON’s subsidiary presented its novel solutions in Moscow

3DiVi Product Director attended the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Conference and shared his experience of using Edge AI

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18.03.2024 — Blog

PAPILLON AFIS helped solve a murder committed 23 years ago

PAPILLON AFIS has again helped to find a criminal who murdered 23 year ago.

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06.03.2024 — Blog

PAPILLON’s subsidiary to introduce AI in a Moscow clinic

EVA Lab has agreed to partner with Medscan Group to equip one of Moscow clinics with brand new AI-based software developed by PAPILLON’s subsidiary. Polyptron enables early detection of bowel cancer.

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26.02.2024 — Blog

The Head of MinTsifry highly praises PAPILLON AFIS

The Minister of Digital Technology, Communication and Mass Media of Russia attended the TAdviser SummIT 2024. Answering participants’ questions, Maksut Shadaev spoke about the digitalization of the public sector and pointed out the system developed by PAPILLON.

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01.02.2024 — Blog

A resident of Bryansk is held to respond in a murder committed 28 years ago

We continue to share stories about how PAPILLON AFIS, the staple of our company, helps to effect justice. Our next story is about a murder committed in the Bryansk region and solved 28 years later.

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09.01.2024 — Blog

The Ministry of the Interior of Tajikistan has PAPILLON AFIS upgraded

PAPILLON-9 replaced existing AFIS software running in the MOI of Tajikistan, and the staff of the Main Forensic Sciences Office was trained to operate it. To increase the percentage of cases solved, PAPILLON-Neuro, our new AI-based app, was also implemented.

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27.12.2023 — Blog

Big renovation of the concert hall in the Youth Activity Centre has been completed

PAPILLON took part in the renovation of the concert hall in the Youth Activity Centre (Miass, Chelyabinsk region). The company initiated and developed the project, and then supervised the reconstruction.

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11.12.2023 — Blog

109 schoolchildren visited PAPILLON

In the fall of 2023, PAPILLON joined the All-Russian project «Visiting a Scientist». From September to November, schoolchildren from all over the country were getting acquainted with the world of science and visiting enterprises producing high-end equipment.

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08.12.2023 — Blog

PAPILLON has already made 1,300 DS-45 scanners in 2023

That’s how many DS-45s PAPILLON has manufactured by early December 2023. Just two years ago, this figure was half as many: 720 scanners in 2021 and 974 in 2020.

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24.11.2023 — Blog

Landscaping the Miass 250th Anniversary Public Garden

PAPILLON has acted as a developer of «the main public garden 2023» renovated for the 250th anniversary of Miass. Almost 14,000 m2 were landscaped in less than 90 days.

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10.11.2023 — Blog

Fingerprint Bureau, CID Telangana State honoured with award as one of the best in India

The Fingerprint Bureau of CID, Telangana State, has been honoured with 2nd best case for solving a challenging case with the help of PAPILLON AFIS. The recognition was bestowed during the 24th All India Conference of Fingerprint Bureaus recently held at NCRB, New Delhi.

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26.10.2023 — Blog

Fingerprinting booths for checking migrants may appear at Moscow airports

Such a proposal is addressed to the head of the Interior Ministry by Yaroslav Nilov, State Duma Deputy. According to the parliamentarian, fingerprinting of arriving foreigners will help reduce the number of violations committed by labor migrants.

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17.10.2023 — Blog

PAPILLON has joined the All-Russia Week without Turnstiles

The action is organized by the Union of Machine Engineers of Russia and takes place throughout the country from October 9 to 15, 2023. Thanks to it, schoolchildren, students and teachers can visit enterprises and production facilities and get acquainted with their work.

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03.09.2023 — Blog

A Beslan hostage-taker has been identified after 19 years

According to Russia’s Investigative Committee, one of the five previously unidentified terrorists who participated in the Beslan school siege in 2004 has been identified. «Militant No.11», as he appeared in the documents, was identified by fingerprints.

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28.08.2023 — Blog

PAPILLON launches new educational projects

In the 2023-2024 academic year, two new education courses will open at the Youth Activity Centre in Miass: Drone (UAV) Control and Fundamentals of Electronics.

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24.07.2023 — Blog

PAPILLON took part in the International Conference at the MVD Academy

The Administration Academy of the Russian Interior Ministry hosted the International Conference on Informatization and Cybersecurity of Law Enforcement Agencies. This traditional event was dedicated to the memory of Professor A. P. Polezhaev.

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18.07.2023 — Blog

Changed his name and hid for 20 years: PAPILLON AFIS tracked down the migrant killer

The Perm court sentenced a 38-year-old native of Tajikistan who committed murder more than 20 years ago. The person involved in the criminal case constantly changed his place of residence and was detained while trying to cross the border.

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14.06.2023 — Blog

3DiVi has launched an online course on Computer Vision and Machine Learning

The 3-month course includes 12 video lectures, practical and homework activities. 140 novice programmers in the field of Computer Vision have become students who signed up on the training platform of 3DiVi’s School of Computer Vision.

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02.06.2023 — Blog

A serial maniac who has been hiding from justice for 10 years is exposed in Moscow

From a rapist to serial maniacs. In 2010, PAPILLON AFIS helped Moscow law enforcers solve a series of 12 murders for which there was no evidence for a long time.

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23.05.2023 — Blog

PAPILLON enters the Asian IT market

PAPILLON has signed an agreement to establish a joint venture in Thailand. PAPILLON and 3DiVi are offering biometric and AI solutions to the ASEAN countries.

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03.05.2023 — Blog

PAPILLON develops cooperation with the Turkmen Interior Ministry

A new version of PAPILLON AFIS has been deployed in the Republic of Turkmenistan this year.

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18.04.2023 — Blog

Practical issues of choosing an effective AFIS

To assess the effectiveness of an AFIS, two basic interrelated characteristics are usually used – its reliability and search accuracy. Reliability is the percent of «native» pairs (hits) selected by the AFIS in relation to a whole number of correct mates in the database. Selectivity (accuracy) is the percent of pairs falsely identified by the system as mating in relation to the total number of comparisons.

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20.03.2023 — Blog

NN has been implemented in PAPILLON-9 AFIS

The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Crimea has begun to operate Russia's first complex of PAPILLON-9 AFIS using AI technologies. The neural net has already helped to solve several high-profile crimes of the past years.

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03.03.2023 — Blog

3DiVi teaches NN to monitor and manage order in cities

At the end of 2022, our colleagues received a grant from the Ministry of Finance of the Chelyabinsk region. 600 thousand rubles have been invested in development of 3DiVi’s computer vision platform for use in smart city projects.

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20.02.2023 — Blog

A killer wanted for 17 years was identified by PAPILLON AFIS

A 44-year-old man will face the Odintsovo court, Moscow region. Accused of murder and being wanted for 17 years, he was detained thanks to PAPILLON.

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03.02.2023 — Blog

PAPILLON’s subsidiary will equip cancer centers with special software

The software developed at EVA LAB detects intestinal tumors with up to 93% accuracy. In the next two years, 16 cancer centers in Chelyabinsk region will be equipped with the soft.

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20.01.2023 — Blog

3DIVI teaches students how to launch international IT projects

PRIMA corporate accelerator is about to start in February 2023 and will last for five months. Applicants and selected candidates will be able to create their own startup in the field of computer vision and bring it to the world market.

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09.01.2023 — Blog

PAPILLON scanners cover 80% of the police stations in Telangana state in India

The Indian police have shared the results of 5-years work with PAPILLON AFIS that has been implemented in the state of Telangana. Now more than 1,500 mobile ID check terminals and 600 palmprint scanners are in operation throughout the state.

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