PAPILLON-Neuro — +8% Extra Hits in AFIS
An 8% increase in identifications as a result of reduction of candidate lists due to additional comparisons of fingerprints by AI-powered PAPILLON-Neuro
This service is offered for all customers conducting dactyloscopic comparisons in PAPILLON AFIS. PAPILLON-Neuro uses machine vision to search for the most likely candidates, even for complicated, uninformative latents, and finds a “native” candidate in the candidate list with a low index data rate. As a result, additional identifications are established — about 8% of previously identified latents.
Use in Combination with PAPILLON-Autocoder
It has been proven by practice that the successive use of PAPILLON-Autocoder and PAPILLON-Neuro makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the Latent-Tenprint (LT-TP) search conducted in PAPILLON AFIS.
For testing, unsolved latents stored in forensic agencies in some subjects of the Russian Federation were selected. The result brought the following additional identifications: