Our classrooms are well equipped for training specialists in using all of the products manufactured by the PAPILLON Company. We are striving to ensure that practice prevails over theory.
— Ivan Kalinovsky / Head of the Training Center
Advantages of training with us
Our trainees can not be disturbed by their routine job tasks and issues, family and domestic problems, etc.
Our trainees have a chance to directly consult PAPILLON’s specialists of the programming and support departments on the work with our software and hardware products.
The training process is organized on a simple-to-complex basis with the use of specially selected learning materials, which allows the trainee not just to remember the sequence of actions, but to understand why it is necessary to do it this way. Such a conscious approach to the work performed increases its effectiveness.
Well-equipped infrastructure tailored specifically for training purposes (an individual workplace for every student, projectors, interactive boards, specialized equipment of classrooms).
We are using specialized software for training. E.g. the ad hoc Crocus application allows our tutors at the PAPILLON AFIS Operator Training Course to quickly check a larger number of tenprint cards entered by our students. Practical classes at the system administrators’ courses are conducted with simulation of possible system malfunctions and failures, etc.
Our experienced, certified tutors can easily explain difficult or incomprehensible questions to students. A sufficient number of tutors during practical classes (one tutor per 4-5 students) allows us to work with every student and check how well the trainees have mastered the subjects. If necessary, the tutors can explain again or emphasize something important that the trainee has missed during the lecture.
Any errors in transmitting information are eliminated.
Our trainees receive a set of methodological and didactic (memos, instructions) materials and, what is most important, are trained how to use them properly.
Forensic departments may send several employees for training during a year without affecting their current work.
Transfer, accommodation and leisure
+7 (3513) 52-70-50 Training Center (8:00-16:30 Moscow time) +7 (3513) 54-63-22 Reception Service (8:00-18:30 Moscow time)
+2 hours ahead Moscow time. Please arrive the day before your classes start!
Information for arrivals
Where to?
The city of Miass is located 100 kilometers from Chelyabinsk. The nearest major airports are located in the cities of Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg.
It is recommended to arrive for training the day before the classes start.
The deadline for arrival at the training courses in Miass is 6:00 a.m. Moscow time on the first day of classes.
We provide a transfer from airports and railway stations of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Miass to the PAPILLON office on arrival and departure for all trainees.
Please inform us at least 4 days in advance about the date and time of your arrival by calling +7 (3513) 52-70-50.
The training schedule is from 9:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. (local time). Lunch hour is 01:00 to 02:00 p.m. (local time).
Please buy return tickets in advance.
Your departure should be planned no earlier than 18:00 Moscow time on the last day of classes.
The training period will be indicated in your invitation for training.
After confirming your arrival for training, a room for your accommodation will be reserved in our Ilmen-Tau Hotel.
Guest Room Stock:
Suite with two rooms and two bathrooms
Four-bed room
Deluxe suite
All rooms are equipped with modern shower cabins. Each room has a refrigerator and a tea set. The rooms have sets for shoe care and necessary washing accessories. The bathrooms are provided with sockets. All rooms are equipped with electronic door locks.
In case of a shortage of rooms in our hotel, rooms can be booked in other inns of the city and resort hotels, such as, for example, Fongrad and Krutiki hotels located in a picturesque area near Lake Turgoyak.
In winter:
Skiing and snowboarding at RIDER Ski Resort
Ice skating on the ice rink (in a five-minute walk from the office)