Standards: FBI, Interpol, GOST, ISO
PAPILLON’s fingerprint scanners are certified by the FBI, USA. The quality of acquired images meets the specifications of the FBI and the standards of the Russian Federation:
- FBI IAFIS Image Quality Specification (CJIS-TD-0110 и CJIS-RS-0010 (v.7) app. F);
- FBI Image Quality Specification for Single Finger Capture Devices, CJIS-Division, v. 71006;
- ISO/IEC 19794-4:2011;
- ISO/IEC 19794-2-2013;
- ISO/IEC 19794-4-2014
The data format for exchanging fingerprint information conform to the ANSI/NIST- ITL 1-2007 standard in two implementations – FBI CJIS-RS-0010 (v.7) and Interpol (INT-I) (v.5), as well as to the RUS-I (v.3.00) format adopted by the Ministry of the Interior of Russia.
WSQ is a method of compressing images with 256 shades of gray, certified by the USA FBI and provides 1:15 rate of compression without noticeable loss of quality.
PAPILLON’s programs for biometric enrollment allow you to acquire facial photos (full face and profiles) in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 and GOST R ISO/IEC 19794-5-2006, allowing them to be used for automatic identification of individuals.
The face recognition algorithm developed by 3DiVi is among the best ones according to the NIST Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) 2017.
All components of the manufactured systems meet the technical requirements of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia. The PAPILLON system units, being a part of each software and hardware complex supplied by PAPILLON, are certified for compliance with the regulatory requirements of Rosstandart.
The quality management system implemented in both companies PAPILLON and PAPILLON Systems meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 international standard and is a strategic decision that is aimed at improving the results of the company’s activities and providing a solid basis for initiatives focused on sustainable development.
Cryptography, work with and protection of top-secret and confidential information
PAPILLON is certified for compliance with the requirements for information security (the third level of personal data security).
Licenses issued by the Federal Security Service:
- License GT No. 0123891, Reg. No. 3398, dated 04.05.2024 — For handling information classified as state secrets. Valid until 04.05.2029.
- License LSZ No. 0002103, Reg. No. 289, dated 13.08.2015 — For the development, production, and distribution of encryption (cryptographic) tools, information systems, and telecommunications systems. Types of work (services) specified in sections 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23 of the list established by the Resolution of the Russian Federation, dated 16.04.2012, No. 313. Valid indefinitely.
Licenses issued by the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia:
- Development and production of means for protecting confidential information
- Provision of services on technical protection of confidential information
The PAPILLON Company has a license to carry out educational activities in the field of additional professional education.
Skolkovo and the Russian Biometric Society
3DiVi is a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.
PAPILLON is a member of the National Technical Committee for Standardization No. 098 “Biometrics and Biomonitoring” of the Russian Biometric Society and takes an active part in the development of national and international standards in the field of biometrics.
Our most important technical solutions used in biometric fingerprint identification systems, such as increasing the informational content of mathematical description of a fingerprint pattern, automatic coding of patterns, arrangement of maximum selectivity and reliability of searches, the method of electronic fingerprinting, are protected by the patents of Russia.
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