Akmola Region: 79 criminals and 9 missing persons were identified with the help of AFIS

In Kazakhstan, PAPILLON AFIS helps in solving crimes and finding lost people.

According to «KAZINFORM» (International News Agency), since the beginning of 2021, only in the Akmola Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan the following were identified by fingerprints against the PAPILLON AFIS database:
– 79 criminals
– 9 unknown dead

«One of the tools that help in the search for criminals is the PAPILLON Automated Fingerprint Identification System, which allows us to create, store and use an electronic database of tenprint cards and latents lifted on scenes of unsolved crimes, and to keep a person-of-interest list,» the regional police representatives explain.

Besides, they said that any citizen can pass the fingerprinting procedure on the territory of the region, if desired. It is absolutely harmless, safe and strictly confidential. Daily incident reports contain information about lost people. In such situations, fingerprints can help.



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