Ensuring Safety at the 800-seat Educational Centre

PURPOSE: To use digital solutions to guarantee the safety of children and teachers at the comprehensive school and kindergarten

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Background and Objectives

The recent tragedies in Kazan and Izhevsk gymnasium schools have shown immediacy of the problem of safety at educational institutions. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to introduce a unified approach for the whole country: «In general, the system is built, but much is given to the decision of local authorities and schools themselves. There must be a unified approach in the whole country. We, together with regional governments, must keep this issue under constant control.» Besides, the issue of ensuring fire safety at schools remains no less acute. Violation of electrical safety instructions, careless handling of fire and arsons remain the main causes of fires.


Works Completed

The PAPILLON Company has carried out a comprehensive installation and configuration of the following systems:

Other solutions have also been applied:

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Products Used

Results and Effect

The implemented solutions allowed the new Educational Centre to be commissioned in a short time. Taking into account that all equipment is manufactured and certified in Russia, the security of the Centre is guaranteed in any economic situation and does not depend on external sanctions.

During the first 2 months of the 2022/2023 academic year, the Centre’s security service uncovered several minor incidents involving pupils. Bringing pupils to responsibility for wrongdoing will enable the improved general academic discipline in the future.

In addition, the applied solutions can be scaled for broader tasks. For example, thanks to the Access Control System (ACS), parents will be able to track the location of their child, if he is on the school premises or not. The ACS now allows the preparation of reports on absentees in automatic mode.

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Eastern Express