— Express identity checks by fingerprints against local database and Central AFIS
— Express identity checks by facial images against local database and AFIS-9 and POLYFACE central databases
— Creation of a tenprint card (rolled and plain fingerprints, mugshots, SMT photos) and its transmission to AFIS
— Reading and displaying of data stored in biometric documents
Instant checks of persons’ identity in situations that require reliable and quick identification of individuals:
Transport safety
Border and customs control
Registration of refugees and migrant workers
Industrial safety
Crime investigation and antiterrorism protection
Relocation of persons under investigation and prisoners
Verification of authenticity of submitted documents, identification of undocumented citizens
Identification of citizens who are unable to report themselves due to age or health condition
Safety at mass gathering events
Creation of digital tenprint records (demographics, ten rolled and plain fingerprints, face and SMT photos), transmission to AFIS in the following formats: Papillon, ANSI/NIST (RUS-I, Interpol, FBI)
Real-time identification of individuals by:
fingerprints against local and remote AFIS databases
facial images against the local database
Reading of passport and visa documents that meet the ICAO Doc 9303 requirements:
reading of data, including fingerprint information, from a contactless chip
verification of a document holder by his/her fingerprints
DPP-8 interacts with PAPILLON AFIS, POLYFACE and the Data Bank of the Russian Ministry of Interior to obtain identification results on requests for express ID checks.