New functionality added to PERGAM thermal imagers to prevent the spread of diseases

GOAL: Detection and tracking of passengers with hyperthermia in the flow of people at international airport terminals and railway stations

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Background and Objectives

At the beginning of 2020, with the outbreak of corona, it became necessary to promptly assess the health condition of people arriving to Russia from abroad to prevent the spread of the disease.

To this end, international airport terminals began to measure the body temperature of arriving passengers. The existing measuring instruments (thermometers) did not provide the desired speed of measurement, which led to delays and congestion, which could only contribute to the spread of infection.

By that time, PERGAM carried high-precision thermal imagers that allowed measuring the temperature of objects distantly. The thermal imager could be installed on the ceiling, wall, floor at a distance of up to 12 meters from objects, but a coordinating system was needed to detect a subject’s face in the frame to measure his/her temperature and process the result.


Tasks Completed

1. Our SKV was already able to detect faces in videos. The system was improved to make it be able to compare the coordinates of the frames captured by the video camera and the thermal imager. The area in the frame taken by the thermal imager, where the face is detected, is assessed for the presence of symptoms like hypothermia, and the subject’s body temperature is calculated. A security officer is notified about the excess body temperature.

2. A mathematical model has been developed that calculates body temperature from measurements taken by the thermal imager in the area of a subject’s face. Taking into account the average temperature in a stream of people, the new algorithms correct the threshold of the system, thus ignoring the influence of the environment and the variability of body temperature of a healthy man.

3. Various forms of reporting have been developed.

4. The information about potentially sick persons can now be output on an officer’s mobile phone. This output is accompanied by an audio alert.

5. Repeated alarm messages are excluded while the person is in the field of camera view.

Project Diagram

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Results and Effect

Now we have a solution that allows remote monitoring of hypothermia and prevents the spread of viral diseases. It can be used anywhere that needs epidemiological surveillance:

The system is able to detect faces even with masks on, which increases the effectiveness of the surveillance.

The customer has now an opportunity to occupy a new niche in the market. This solution has already been implemented at 100 airports in Russia and at 300 facilities in the CIS.

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